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Title Paper: (1971) Trapping Study of Ringtail and Raccoons #41
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Zanvil, Kenneth B. :
Date Added May 14, 2012
Description Historical document from 1971
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Station Identification No . ~ I Request for Land , Labor and Facilities at the S1err ~ Footh1ll Field Station Date_l_2_ - - = - 1 . ; . . O_ - _7 . : . . t ~ _______ I . Project Leader : ( a ) Name , title , department ( or agency ) and campus ( or location ) . J ~ e ~ neth B . ) ~ aqv11 Psych.o.log ~ Depar . ~ ent ( Grad - Gro ( b ) Ma . I . n9 add ress and telephone numbe r up ill l ! ! cology ) 1S36 Jffidc11ffe Dr . rrclv1s , Cf'l11forn121 . 95616 2 . Project cooperators : Names , titles , department & campus Dr . · Donold O " , r1 - nq ; s Ph.D PsV'choloElY Dept . U.C.D • . Dr . Robert L . Hudd Ph.D . Zoolop:y Dent . u.c.n . Dr . Robert G . Sch ~ Tab ph.n . Dept . of AniMal Physiology U.C.D . 3 . Experiment Station Project Number and Title 4 . Outline of work to be done at station : Trapp1ng study of r1ngta1l cats and raoooons . Poss1bly 1ncurr1ng rfld10 tracking of the an iJ'n8.1g . 5 . Justification statement for project and reason it should be done at Sierra Foothill Field Station . Tbere is a confirmed tJopu1 ~ . tion of ringtail ~ present at th ~ field station and surrounding vicinity . Also ita clo ~ e proxi ~ ity to Davis 1s essential to my conferring with ~ y graduate proftes8or end projeot a.dvisors . 6 . Durat i on of proj ect : Start i ng date February Comp let ion date : October ( tentaltlT8 ) 7 . Project funding : { a } Source of funds ( 19900 , grant , etc . ) person " . l , work study . grant ( b ) Will project pay for all or part of Field Station cost , __ ~ a ~ l ~ l ~ _______________ If so how much ? 8 . Requirements for labor , land , faci lities , equipment , and other supplies . Please complete the attached check list . Provide a separate check list for each crop if the requirements are substantially different . If so , when and how much ? 9 . 00 you anticipate expansion of this project ? no - - - - - 10 . Name of department and Approved by : Director Ag . Extension ( if proposal by farm advisor ) Date County Department Chairman Date Ple . , e submit ' - : : copies to Convnltt ; ~ ' of , alrl1llln . nd an Informational copy to Campus Associate Director , Agricultural Experiment Station ; Director of Agricultural Field Stations ; and Station Superintendent . If submitted by ~ grlcultural Extension Staff submit an Informetlonal copy to Regional Allocl­ ate Director of Agricultural Extension ( of . re . where station I . located ) . Station Identification No . ' t / Request for land . labor and Facilities at the I , SierrA Footh1ll Field Station Date_l_2_ - ~ 1 ~ O . ; . . - . . . . . : . . 7tL - _______ I ect Leader : Proj / 1 . ( a ) Name . title . department ( or agency ) and campus ( or location ) . I ! Kenneth B . ~ a . , . , vil Psycho.J . . ogu De ar : & m t ( G . ad­ I P ( b ) Hailing address and telephone nufuber Group i " lI ~ ~ ~ C ~ o ~ l ~ omg ~ y ~ ) - - - - - - - - - . en r , : ( ; 36 ~ dcliffe Dr . trav1s , C , , 11forn11 . ! 1 . 95616 2 . Project cooperators : Names . titles . department & campus Dr . Donald o . , rings Ph.D Psvcholoery Dept . U.C.D . Dr . Robert L • . dudd Ph.D . Zoolop:y Dent . u.c.n . Dr . Robert G . Sch'toT8 . b Ph.n . Dept . of Anlnal Phys1ology U.C.D . 3 . Experiment Station Project Number and Title I I I I 4 . Outline of work to be done at station : Trapp1ng study of r1ngtail · cats and . racooons . Possibly incurr1ng I rndio tracking of the ani'l ! ' la.llil . I 5 . Justification statement for project and reason it should be done at Sierra Footh111 Field Station . There is a conf1rmed nopul @ . tion of r1ngta11 ~ present nt th ~ f1eld station and surrounding vicin1ty . Also 1ts clo ~ e proximity to Dav1Q is essential to my conferring with my graduate proftessor , ad projeot adv1sors . 6 . Duration of project : Starting date February Completion date : October ( tent ! tiTe ) 7 . Project funding : ( a ) Source of funds ( 19900 . grant . etc . ) person8.1 , work study . grant ( b ) Wi II project pay for all or part of Field Station cost__a . . l . . . l . _____________ If so how much ? 8 . Requirements for labor . land , facilities , equipment , and other supplies . Please attached check list . Provide a separate check list for each crop complete the if the requirements are substantially different . 9 . Do you anticipate expansion of this project ? _n__o_____ If so . when and how much ? 10 . Name of department and Approved by : County Director Ag . Extension ( if proposal by farm advisor ) Date Department Chairman Date Please submit / ( ' copies to Commltt ~ . ' chairman and an Informational copy to Campus Associate Director , Agricultural Experiment Statloni Director of Agricultural Field StatlonSi and StatIon SuperIntendent . If submitted by ~ grlcultural ExtensIon Staff submit en Informational copy to Reg / ona ' ASlocl­ ate DIrector of Agricultural Extension ( of area where Itatlon Is loeated ) . , , ( { ECEIVED KG DEC 2 ' f 1971 I t - ­ , I , AG . FiELD STATIONS F I c S December , 20 , 19 1 ' "­ l ] \ Cyl er c e , ITl . 8S 1_ , . Ln2 F . E3treet n I ' n ' \ Gri cultural Experiment St ? tions Davis , va J , lorn1 9 ( ) r C 1 r - - . , . 1 : Jr . = ; _ ( ) T . _ ~ ; . 1 0 U.C ) . Davis I n reference to 0111 ' previous me e ting concerni n s t he possibility of usinG experiment st ~ tion facilities to perform my graduate roso orch , I would like to info rm you that this is still of primary interest with me . As mentioned , I am interested in doibg some trapping studies on the Ringtail Cat ( Bassariscus astutus ) , which is known to inhabit tho Brown's Valley Sierra Foothill Hield Station area . If at all possible , I would like to arrange to live in residence where I intend to carry out my work , and to live in residence at the Brown's Valley station would be ideal . I have submitted my research proposal to several agencies , however , I must admit , these financial resources look bleak . I am hoping to meet with you again and with whatever personnel that I need also make arrangements with at the field station . As noted in our urevious conversation , I am available for part time vJOrk there at the station , and this would be of immense help to me as I have not requested support for , myslef . I am enclosins 8 copy of my proposal , and am lookin f ~ 1'01 ' , · , , : : , ] : : , ( 1 to he , : rin ; : ; fr om you soon . In the : : l , you i , ' lill note , the schedule calls fo r vJOrk to beGin in F'ebrunry , if possible , I would like to be ci n e rlier . Thank you an1 best wishes fO ~ " , ' 1 1 ' er ' - r - ' Cl - \ Y > l ' ci - rtl ; ' ! C __ • • • ' __ ' . L ___ . ) l . . _l . , , , - , . I i_ . . . . . . " - , . ) , Ke nneth . Z ~ mvil Dep rtment of Environmental Studies Gr 3du3te Group in ~ cology F . G . Davis Pn - O 1 . jJ3J­X 1 / ' tJ ' - f g ~ ~ a - r ~ t ~ ~ L ~ i ~ ~ ~ £ Jh - . . c4L & ~ ~ ~ tl - t s r - a . ( = S . . J j ~ - - < - - LL ~ ~ tt.w ~ . A6 - ~ ~ ~ ~ ' r ; - a ~ tf ~ ~ ~ , 710 Jdf ' - ' ! . J t ~ · ~ . ~ ~ ~ t4 - < - ~ ~ u , ~ ~ ) . - J - ~ L ~ ~ d / ~ . ~ ~ - & t ; tLu . . . ~ t : 4j < LH . . ~ ~ / 0 ~ t / 972 , . . ' ! : : r ~ i ~ Jh : ; : : , ; ; ; ; : ; ~ ~ ttJ ~ ~ tlJu.a efrtLrtK - . . ~ ~ ~ cf ~ ' . ( ) ~ U ? \ IYERSITY OF CALIFORNIA , D . - \ \ 1­EY • DAVIS ' lllVlNE • LOS A ! \ " GEL ES • RIVERS ! I ! F • , , : - - l dEl . " • " , , - ; F IlANCISCO SANTA BARBARA ' SANTA CRUZ ' . T U1 . - \ L FIELD STATIONS DAVIS , CALIFORNIA 95616 : , \ , - 10 : , OF AGRlCCLTURAL SCIL " CES January 3 , 1972 ~ ir . Kenneth : 3 . Zamvil ,­ 412 F Street Davis , California 95616 Dear ' - Ir . Zamvil : I have your letter of December 20 , 1971 with enclosures regarding your proposed study at the Sierra Foothill Range Field Station . oy copy of this letter I am informing ~ - ! r . Joseph P . Gui Id of your request for making the study and of your desire to oc ~ upy periodi ~ ally the old living quarters at the station . I have discussed this with Mr . Guild and he has assured me that there would be no problem as long as you understand that you do not have exclusive use of these facilities . They are to be available to other students and staff whose work makes it necessary or convenient to utilize these quarters while working at the station . I cannot " 5sure you that ~ Ir . Cui Id can offer you part - time em ? 10y­mt'f " . I e ; lIggpst you fi 1e wit ~ him an " Application for Employment " ( copy enclosed ) at your earli est c'mvenience . Actual employment will be dependent on your qualificatl · : - ' . s , his ' lced for part - time labor and his budgetary Ii , . , i tations . ~ ; incerclYt . James L . ~ ' ! yler Director Jl . ' ! : tn cc : J . p . Gui ld Enclosure UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA , DAVIS BElIXELEY • DAVIS · mVJNE • LOS ANGELES · RJVl:RSJDE • SAN DIEGO · SAN FRANCISCO SANTA BARBARA · SANTA CRUZ AGRICULTURAL FIELD STA'nONS DAVIS , CALIFORNIA 95616 DIVISION OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES January 3 , 1972 Mr . Kenneth B . Za.vl1 412 P Street Davis , California 95616 Dear Mr . Zaavl1t I bave your letter of Deceaber 20 , 1971 with enclosures reaardina your propo.ed . tucly at the Sierra Poothill Ran.e Pield StatiOll . By copy of thi . l ~ t.r I sa blonia , Mr . Joseph P • Guild of your request for _Jd • • the . tucly and 0 ' yow deslre tooocupy periodically the old 11vlq quarter . at til • • tatIOil . I have dlscus.ed thi . with Mr . GuiId aad he has . . . ure4 . . that the " _ . ld b . DO probIe . as lon , • • you undentand that you do lIot have octUlive use of th.s . f.cilities . They . re to be avaUable to oth.r . tudellt • • d st.ff whosa work mak.s 1t n.c • • • • ry or convenient to utilize the • • quartan while workin , at the station . I C8ftllot . . . tae you that Mr . Guild can off . . . you part - ti.e aploy­aent . I SUI • • st you file with him an " Appllcad . • for 8IIployaenttt ( copy enclosed ) at your earUdt conv_i.ce . Actual . . , lo ) " l * 1t will be dependent em your quaUflcaticms . his n.ed for part - tille labor and hi . blldaetazy 11mlt.tions . Sincerely , rt · · ~ ~ · J . . . . L . Myler Director JLMltn CCI vJ . P . Guild Enclosure - - - - NEED - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -­ The ringtail cat ( Bassoriscus astutus ) is certainly not a rarq or even uncommon , species throuchout most of its range in the western st·ltes . However , its status in Califnrnia is uncertain and it may \ 1el1 be bo th rare and endangered here . Also referred to as the civet cat , miner's cat and cocomistle , thecsel.domly seen ringtail is best known for its strictly nocturnal activities anG arboreal tendancies . The ringtail is not really a cat , but a ~ ember of the raccoon famil ~ the Procyonidae . It is a renoun mouser and rodent predal , or , but is also known to eat fruits , berries , honey and chocolate , as well us a variety of aquatic organisms . Its primary food sources are thought to be mice , squirrels , and oirds ; but the ringtail is also kno \ · m to eat apples , pe6ches , pears and raany gDrden veGotables as well 3S lizards , crasshoppers and nat4vC ' fruits of different ports of its ranse . Regarded as highly intelligent , th0 ringtail is i nql1 . isi tive and vJell known for its greet 8d.apt­ability to human presence and captivity . It is reputed to make a good housepet . Other than this , littlG is known about the ringtail's territoriality , matin ~ behavior , SOCiality , repro­ductive physiology , and environmental toler.snclis . In California the ringtail inhabits the Upper Sonoran Zone below 5500 feet , chiefly on the western slopes of the Sierras . It is not thought · . . to be adapted to cold weather , but has been known to survive even the severest Ne \ . , r England winters when released from cap­tivity ( ILL . EdvJards , May " 1955 , Journal of f ' . 1ammology ) The ringtail has never been known to be plentiful any­where in C31i £ ornio and concern for its s8fety and protection has been expressed at least since 1925 . lIever pursued wantonly for its fur , it hes often been the innocent victim of trappers lookinc for other furs as well as victims of both rodent and predator control methods . Vlalter Fry ( Calif . Fish and Game 1926 ) observed t08t these II ~ mimals in the nei ; ; hborhood of Sequoia Na , tion­al Park are not holf 8S numerOlJS os they " " ere ten years ago , " and that outside the parks these pretty animals are beingII ' depleted from yenr to year by the ever increasing numbers of fur trappers . II l'he trapping hps since been stopped for the most part , but use of poisons and traps for other animals as well as man's encroachment upon the ringtail's C81ifornia range have undoubtedly been factors.inimical·to ringtail populations in California . [ \ . bosic tool necessary for evoluatinF the ringtail ' s current statuB in C31iforni8 is the determination 0 ' £ its·populLation dynamics ( density , birth nnd deElth rates , turnOTer rates·and d:istribu­tim ) . Il1hrough quentitative evaluation of ringtail population dynamics further insight can be gained concerning the e:urrent atatus of the ringtail in California and its future here . Hopefully , the results of this study will assist legislative processes in deter­mining whether an animal is rare or endangered , not only as an entire species , but accaTding to geographic loca1e over parts of an animal's range . OBJECTIVES ' l'he specific objectiv € s of this study are to . a:ttempt to : 1 ) l1evelope field techniques for the live , unharmed capture , markinG Dnd tracking of ringtail cnts . 2 ] To get a better characterization of ringtail habitat in California ; reproductive behavior anddenning activity , probably thT'oufjh telemetry . 3 ) Ferform census on the population using trap , mark and recapture information and Lincoln ( Peterson ) or Jolly's index for population estimation . 4 ) Determine density and distribution of ringtails and­evaluate animal's current status . 5 ) , Bonitor movements and further observe reproductive behavior , home range , territoriality , nocturnal movements , family rearing , survivability and subsequent redistribution of young following weaning . 6 ) To utilize information gained in a constructive manner encouraging legislation to a £ knowledge a species . to be rare or endangered within a part or parts of its range . METHODS 1 ) Iive - trapring with Have - a - Heart or ' romahawk live traps . 9 " x9 " x32 " double entrC:lTIce live traps . 2 ) Eartag ulark , release and recapture ( as well as implantation of ' telemetry devices and subsequent monitoring ) . 3 ) Utilization of mark and recapture data in above mentioned indices to estimate population size , density and distribution . Studies to be conducted at the University of California , Davis Agricultural EA - periment Station at Brown t s Valley near Marysville , California in the Sierra foothills . This is a ronGe consisting of approximately 6000 acres bordering the Yuba River ond accommodathg a confirmed popuLation of Bassariscus . Further correlating studies a:r8 planned at the University of Cali­fornia , BerkelU Arbovirus Field Station in Chico , California . Arrangements and accommocratbns a - t both facilities have been made . FlED ) WORK 1 ) Trap and tag ringtails in study area . 2 ) Record each ringtail by : a . approximate age b . sex c . weight · d . general condition ( helath , ectoparasites ) e . locotion of capture f . date of capture g . reproductive status 3 ) Tag with permanent marker to identify . 4 ) ' Use telemetry equipment , azttach transmitter and monitor activity and movements . If attached to pregnant female , track from birth to weaning of young and mark young before they leave the nest . 5 ) Recapture to retrieve transmitters when necessary . 61 Record weather and correlate with data ( relate to behavior ) . OFFICE WORK 1 ) Oompile field notes . 2 ) 8ummari ~ data . 3 ) Write completion report . ESTIMATED MAN DAYS : 150 WORK ASSIGNED TO : FieIdstudy - - Ken ijamvil , graduate student , D'e1 { artment of Environmental Studies , University of California , Davis . Supervision Paul Howard , National Audobon Society Phil Schaeffer , cooftlLna ' ! ior , National . . Audobon Society Consulting cipeciallists : . : Dr . Robert L . RudEl , U.C . Davis , Department of Zoology . Dr . Robert G . Schwab , U.C . Davis , Department of Physiology . ~ Tike \ ' iright M.S . , U • a . . Berkelsy Krbovirus Field Station . Dr . Robert ' : Jashino , U • . C . Davis , Departmont of Entomology . OUTPUT : Completion reports due 8 " - eptember 30 , . 1972 COSTS : See . attached budget sheets and notes . I . ' ESTI ! ' lA'l'ED 13UDGET : FEBRUARY 1 TO SEPTEr - mER 30 , 1972 I . Mileage 1 vehicle $ 960.00 minimum 1000 mi . / mo . at 121 / mi . ? ; , / upplies : . B . traps ( 10 ) and bait 200 b . handling equipment ( ie . gloves ) 20 c . ear tags ( # 1 monel ) and pliers 15 d . film - developing and prints 40 e . telemetry pack ( senders and receiver ~ 5000 ( commercial cost ) f . xeroxing 5 . correspondence ( stamps , stationery , postcards ) 5 h . miscellaneous ( boo.ks , paper , notebooks , pencils , string , marking tape , etc ) 100 i . living stipend ( room , boarc £ . , educ • . fees . ) 1200 or , wage j . miscellaneous electronic equipment 500 k . telephone communications ~ 8 ~ 0 ~ __ APPROXIMATE TOTALS - - - - - - - - $ 8120 , " . • • t . , , . ' ESTH1ATED BUDGET : FEBRUARY L TO S - eprEl'IBER 30 , 1972 1 . Mileage 1 vehicle minimum 1000 mi . / mo . at 12 ¢ / mi . $ 960.00 2 . . Supplies n . tr3pS ( 10 ) and bait 200 b . handling equipment ( ie . gloves ) 20 c . ear tags ( # 1 monel ) and pliers 15 d . film , developing , and prints 40 e . xeroxing f . correspondence ( stamps , stationery , postcards ) 5 - . g . miscell ~ neous ( books , paper , string , notebooks , marking tape , pencils etc . ) 100 h . telephone communications 80 APPROX1MKl'E 110TALS $ 1420 ~ * not including a seasonal aid wage of ~ 2.50 / hr or alternatively not includi ng university overhead and living expenses ( room 8nd boerd ) totaling $ 1200 or telemetry equipment totaling ap ~ rox . $ 5500 . s tudy to include mark - recapture , population size , density , distribution estimates and current st8t us evaluations as rare or endangered in California . fhis , thus omits the telemetric study which was to be pert of the ovor ~ 1ll study . January 16 , 1972 Mr . Joseph P . Guild 636 Radcliffe Dr . University of California Davis , California Sierra Foothill Field Station 95616 Brownt s Valley r ' 1arysville , California Dear Mr . Guild : I have requested to use the field station facilities for . y field researoh project concerning the Ringtail Cat . I have been informed by Mr . J.L . J . ! yler that this has met with your approval providing I realize that I may not be the only student using the facilities . As I think you are aware , I hope to be oa.rrying out the bulk of my research from the beginning of February throughout October of this year . At this time I am in the process of obtaining the necessary equipment and hopefully , some additional financial support . I have received some assistance through tJ1e school , however , the : money I am to receive has to come through the federally subsidized 11work study " program . I am scheduled to receive $ 600.00 through this program , however the only stipulation is that I obtain a university sponsored job . You will note , I am . enclosing a & ompleted job aDDlication for the field station . I am hoping that perhaps you have a work crew or other maintaninace position that is yet unfilled , and still within your budgetary limitations , which I might qualify for . As I under­stand , under this program , the sponsoring department need only pro­vide 20 % of the student'ls wage and the federal gover.rmtent will pro­vide the rest . As I am scheduled to receive $ 300.00 each for spring and winter qUB.rters of this year , I am hoping that you might have so ~ e vacant position which I might fill . I am planning a . . trip to the field station in the very near future so that I : may meet ~ Tith you and discuss my projeot , job prospects and accomodations . I have been advised to inquire whether there : might be station which would be ava.ilable to me . Thank you very much , / ? ~ - e_z : . / ; : ; ? 13 1 , , < , . . - · ' . - , , ( ' Kenneth B . Zamvil Department of Environmental Studies Graduate Group in Ecology University of Californie . , Davis
Posted By Linvill, Rebecca